Most landlord tenant disputes are due to the reason such as during move-in, noise complaints and at the time of maintenance work , the tenant should come with hard words. Hence for solving the disputes between landlords and tenant , require the participation of real estate eviction attorney

Needs of attorney: In case of tenant

Needs of attorney are highly required at the time of following situation

When you feel that you are discriminated, then you have a right to consult a lawyer

Important repairs are not being made

If dangerous condition in rental property

The landlord is not following the terms mention in the lease document.

The landlord is threatening to move out, before the rental date expires

The landlord is threatening you due to property foreclosure

Due to damage condition of property cause any injury

Due to fire, flood and  damage to the rental property, you have lost personal property.

When the landlord is filling a lawsuit against you on the basis of discrimination, then you can seek the help of an eviction attorney in Bronx. If you need to compel the property owner by making repairs to the damaged property, not caused by tenant then you can contact with eviction attorney. With the aid of eviction attorney Bronx, you can get an compensation for injury caused by damaging rental property

Needs of attorney: In case of landlords

 Considering an eviction

The tenant claims vital repair caused by him.

The tenant claims that landlords are violating the  terms of your lease

Without consent tenant give space for another occupant

If the tenant done unreasonable damages to your property

The tenant is filing a lawsuit against the landlords

Better is to bring an eviction lawyer in Bronx, before going to be renting your rental property, make sure that consulting an eviction lawyer in Bronx. He will assist you in drafting the lease document and eviction notice  through his experience he can know about the untrust tenant at the time of rent, the tenant has a tendency to make delay to the rent payment and also lawyer participated at the time of non payment of rent. For taking an pre steps better is to consult an eviction attorney at the time of  leasing because a legal advice is good for taking a new step in business.
6/3/2017 01:32:56 am

If a tenant do any illegal activity in the property, then a 3-day notice to quit would be used as that is considered a non-curable breach.they will not given the second opportunity to quit the property.


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    January 2014

